Welcome to Advantage Benefits Plus!

Our role is as an extension of your Human Resource or Member Services Department. We encourage ''effective'' Group Benefit programs. This means not only comprehensive coverage at competitive rates, but increased accountability with your benefit providers. It includes an increased perception of value by the employees or members, for whom you are seeking to provide a benefit.

1. Our Mission

✦  To market and service high quality insurance programs utilizing our skilled staff and state-of-the-art administrative systems.

✦  To design and distribute a complete range of insurance and related financial products and services.

2. Our Objective

✦  To provide added value through our high-quality service, expertise, and the strength of our relationships.

✦  To ensure that the insurance programs for which we are responsible meet the objectives of the plan sponsor on a cost-competitive and tax-effective basis.

About Advantage Benefits Plus

In 1995, Mr. Crowe established Advantage Benefits Plus as an independent practice focused exclusively on Group Benefit Programs. Through his experience, and extensive industry contacts, we have developed products and markets that are exclusive to our firm. He has set the standard that our clients should “Expect Excellence” in pro-active service and has established our motto, “If there is no perception of value, there is no benefit!”

Benefit Consultants & Insurance Brokers
Business Established

Our founder, Mr. Michael Crowe, began his insurance industry career in 1975. In time, he developed a special interest in employee and association group benefit plans. He has worked extensively with both national and regional association insurance programs. He also established successful insurance programs for both the BCIT and the University of Victoria Alumni Associations. His career led to Senior Account Executive and Management positions with the Marsh and Aon organizations. These continue to be the two largest brokers of insurance and financial services in the world.


The more complete and comprehensive the information you provide about: your organization, your existing coverage, and your eligible staff: the more complete, comprehensive and competitive, will be our report. We will establish goal posts of expectation for both you and your benefit providers.

Our Experience

Our experience includes membership in:
  - Canadian Pensions and Benefits Institute
  - International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
  - Human Resource Management Association

Market Surveys & Reviews

We have access to national and international markets for a variety of insurance related products. We are able to provide surveys ranking dozens of insurance companies.

Cost for Our Services

There is no cost or obligation for us to undertake a review.  If you choose to follow our recommendations the cost of our services is covered by commissions included in the premiums for the insurance products which we distribute. 

Want to know more About Our services?
Terms of Reference
Experience Counts!




Employees / Members Served

Years Combined Industry Experience

Bursaries Established